Deer Hunting
Our Wyoming Mule Deer hunting is the best it has ever been with both Archery equipment and Rifle. We have a strictly managed herd, and we offer two types of hunts; Management Deer & Trophy Deer hunts. Both are on mature bucks to continually improve genetics and develop key age classes all over the ranch's varying terrain and ungulate habit. In an effort to help propagate a mature class of buck, we withhold from harvesting young deer or an excessive number of "Trophy Class" deer on an annual basis. A major part of the bounty from the hunt includes the clean, lean, organic meat. You can expect to get 60-70+ pounds of boneless meat from a mature class buck. Our guides will assist or complete the quartering or boning of the carcass with the utmost care and attention to the important value of the meat and any additional extension of the animal. Every attempt will be made to bring the animal away from the field in whole, but when the terrain or situation arrives we commonly use the "gutless" method to obtain every possible ounce of the ever so valuable meat and harvest.
We control the hunting on virtually 100% of the 17,000+ acre ranch, therefore we can have a greater impact on the quality and quantity of our deer. This allows for a genuine opportunity to harvest a very nice buck. The hunting is primarily spot and stalk, greatly limiting the pressure on the deer. On the "Management" hunts, a mature buck will be in the 155-165 class, while the "Trophy" hunts yield deer in the 170-180 range. Our largest deer taken on the Ranch is 220+. Transportation is usually accomplished with ATV's and 4WD vehicles. Because of the diverse habitat on the Cross C Ranch we can offer everything from a low land river bottom hunt to a high-country rugged mule deer hunt in Big Horn Sheep country. As with most elite Mule Deer hunts out west, this is an excellent optics hunt with a lot of glassing while maintaining a low impact on bedding and feeding areas. Spot and stalk is the main strategy with all of our hunting being 100% fair chase.

Region T - Deer Landscape

Region T - Deer Landscape
We have an amazing herd of Whitetail Deer that are localized on our alfalfa fields on the Bluegrass River and on the lower rolling hills with mature bucks having the run of the place each year. Wyoming Deer tags famously offer the hunter to harvest either a Mule Deer or Whitetail on the same tag. We are also pleased to bring this kind of diversity to the outdoors man as a Wyoming Whitetail can truly be a special trophy. Wyoming offers a Late Season Special Whitetail permit that allows hunters the thrill of hunting Whitetail Deer in the rut. Please Contact us for any interest in special Whitetail Deer late seasons or any further questions.
Fishing is offered in our stocked ponds free of charge for all hunters & guests. It is stocked with rainbow and brown trout. We also use and give full access to our walk-in cooler to store your meat prior to transportation or processing.
A fishing license must be purchased.License Application
Region J & T
The hunting license application period is generally the first few days in January to the end of the month of May. The license areas for the Ranch is Region J (or Area 64) and we also hunt on a beautiful property in Region T (or Area 15.) They are both limited quota draw areas, but with the current tag allocation have very high draw success rates. The General tag is good for both mule and whitetail deer. The deer season typically is October 1st to the 14th for Region T, and the 15th through the 31st for Region J. Our deer hunts are offered in 5 Day, 6 Night blocks throughout the deer season. (Note: The Wyoming Game and Fish reviews the Deer Season dates on an annual basis, so the season dates are subject to change.) For any drawing or area specific questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Quick Things to Note
- The Hunt Areas of importance are Area 64 or Region J & Area 15 or Region T for the General tags and the season dates are from October 1st - 14th for Region T or October 15th - 31st for Region J, normally.
- 2025 Application period is January 3rd - May 31st.
- All Deer Hunts are 5 Day 6 Night Hunts.
2025 Wyoming Deer Hunting Rates - The totals include lodging at the Cross C hunting lodge, all meals, and guide. There are no hidden charges or trophy fees. Please review our Policies.